Tuesday, October 4, 2011


It's a beautiful morning here in Flagstaff! I just love it here, but I love being in the air and traveling more. So let's jump into the plane and get going to our next destination!

We are going to make a short flight north to Grand Canyon National Airport today. I wanted to have plenty of daylight to go on a walking tour at the canyon. This is why I dressed casually today. We are taxiing to Runway 3.

We've been cleared for takeoff, so off we go into the wild blue yonder! (I love that song!)

It shouldn't take too long for us to get to the Grand Canyon. Meanwhile, we have a lot of pretty landscape to look at below us. Just wait til we get to the canyon! It'll be breathtaking!

We're not far from the airport now. We are going to enter a left pattern, downwind and we'll turn in for landing. There is no control tower here, so we need to tune the radio in to Unicom and state our intentions. Other pilots in the air and ground will be aware that we are coming when we do this.

There's the airport! Let's go ahead and get into the standard traffic pattern.

We've finished turning base and are now on final approach for Runway 21.

Lined up and coasting in for a soft touch down.

Alright, we're here! It's time to get a vehicle and head into town.

As we pull out from the access road, I took a quick picture so that you could see the road that leads to the airport. we are going to continue north from here on Route 180.

On the way, there is a tiny town by the name of Tusayan. This is an incorporated town. In other words it's mainly businesses, hotels, and resorts here that serve the Grand Canyon area.

We've arrived at the gates to get into Grand Canyon National Park. Once we pay the fee, we'll be on our way again.

We are finally here! Grand Canyon Village is the starting point for the Grand Canyon Railroad. This railway has a lot of history behind it, and it even doubles as the Polar Express during the Christmas season.

If you've never rode on a train before, it's quite an experience. It's fun, fast, and smooth! I'd love to ride the train today, but I won't have the time. Maybe next time.

I've got a reservation at the Bright Angel Lodge, so I'm going to go check in and get my room before heading off to view the grand canyon.

The visual of the Grand Canyon is just breathtaking every time I see. It's massive! Next time we'll be flying in the canyon and getting a rather unique view of it. See you then!

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